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Know everything about your users.

Hotjar is a product experience insights platform that gives you behavior analytics and feedback data to help you empathize with and understand your customers. The Observe tools like Heatmaps and Recordings allow you to see what your users see. The Ask tools like Surveys and Feedback help you bring your customers' voices into the conversation. Engage is your go-to tool to automate the entire user research process – from recruitment and scheduling to hosting and recording. Hotjar complements the data and insights you get from traditional product and web analytics tools like Google Analytics or Mixpanel. It’s an industry-leading and easy-to-use service that combines product experience insights, user behavior analysis, and customer feedback to help you connect the dots between what's happening on your site, and why it happens.

“All together. All connected.”

David Darmanin

Founder, Hotjar

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We started out in 2012 to make tech and startups more accessible and affordable for everyone.

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